Monday, November 5, 2012

The Perfect Straw Man

Don't y'all miss the good old days - before the government and the country was overtaken by a bunch of niggers, kikes, dykes, Mics, Spics, Wops, faggots, zipperheads, 'Ricans, Mexicans, women, liberals, progressives, and commies? (Did I miss anyone?). Well, at least if we can't keep em out of the country and out of the government, we can at least take some comfort that they will all eventually spend eternity burning in hell...

Well, now that I have your full attention...

You would think when listening to just about any liberal "news" or commentary, or any discussion or debate between liberals and conservatives, that this is actually how I and any conservative really feels deep in their heart-of-hearts, regardless that virtually none ever actually say anything remotely like it. When challenged on this the Left just proclaims that such sentiments are still the norm, and the driving-force of conservatism but that such racism, homophobia, sexism, and other hate-mongering have simply gone underground as such has become increasing socially unacceptable. So the head-spinning new mantra of the left is that the evidence of such underground conservative ignorance, bigotry and hate is that there is no visible evidence of it. And any that deny such find themselves in the absurd position of defending that they, and those that hold similar world views, do not secretly harbor such evils as a core of their nature just because the Left simply alleges that they do.  It is simple brilliance: The Left simply alleges whatever bigotry du jour and the Right finds itself between a rock and a hard place with only two choices: to expend their time and energies futilely defending against such endless stream of spurious claims or to let them stand while attempting to keep the discussion focused on the merits of whatever issue the Left is currently and diligently avoiding.

The current dynamic of "people of color," women, gays, and every other "victim" group, juxtaposed against the ostensibly "rich old white men" who hate them is actually an enviable and brilliant tactical and perhaps unassailable position to hold.  The fact that such "oppressed groups" are growing and in actuality far outnumber those supposed oppressors can only further solidify the Left's strangle-hold on the debate for the soul of our nation.

It is fascinating when witnessing the changing landscape of the country and its government to see the ever increasing, and indeed the overtaking of all of the formerly monolithic rich old white power block by all of the favorite victim group du jour of the left, even as they continue to whine about the purported ongoing oppression of that hated and vastly overstated group that they long ago dispatched to increasing irrelevancy. Virtually everywhere one looks in all branches of our government are the black, brown, yellow, (and red if we all pretend with Elizabeth Warren that she is a member of the pretendsalot tribe), gay, female, and other faces that the left proclaims at every turn cannot achieve positions of great power. In this land of purported widespread oppression of such we have a black president, with a veritable smorgasbord of blacks, browns, yellows, females and every other purported victim group and just a couple of token rich-old-white-guys thrown in for good measure to continue the ridiculous claims of oppression of those actually in power.

And we are finding another quite insidious and breathtakingly cynical side effect of such protected classes in positions of power. Virtually any challenge to any position or action taken by any of these can be, and without exception are twisted by the left into just more right-wing bigotry against "the oppressed." This then provides an impressive if not impenetrable wall of defense against any challenges. The beauty of this perfect straw man is that one ignores such obvious and cynical deflections at their own peril. This has played out and continues to do so strikingly in the most recent case of rich-old-white-bullies vs. our heroic victim in our young black female Ambassador to the UN.  Now, what seemed until recently a simple quest for answers regarding ridiculously and obviously false information disseminated widely to the American people by a political operative of the Obama presidential cabinet has now again been twisted by the Left into a vicious political attack on a "defenseless poor young black woman just doing her job in passing on the exact message she was assigned to." And now we have the usual suspects: a cowardly group of old white dudes promising to stop the upward trajectory of the career of this American hero and public servant ostensibly just to get even for their outrage at the re-election of the black man to the what should have been the rightful presidency of the deposed rich old white guy.  Of course they are...

It is really simple beauty of masterful obfuscation (Obam-fuscation): Just proclaim any challenges to anything proposed or done by the current administration as classic White-Power bigotry and the merits of such claims are relegated to a distant issue in relation to the importance of such hatred and bigotry. It is a win-win for the Left as they simply continue to fan the flames of such specious claims, leaving the right to flail futilely to disprove a negative of the Left's smoke-and-mirror allegations or to let them stand as unchallenged "truths."  The great beauty of such tactic is that the purveyor of such cannot lose. If the claims are proven rightfully specious, "proven" true, or simply result in the intended morass of unprovability the Left has prevailed in their attempts to deflect from the merits of the actual issue at hand. Thus we now spend copious amounts of time arguing whether the Right are in-fact a bunch of ignorant in-bred haters, and intentionally little time on pertinent challenges to imperative contemporary issues. It is absolutely brilliant in its simplicity and its unassailability. So the conservative's are relegated to forever chasing their own imaginary tails. And this you can count on as the defense of all challenges to the Left henceforth.

And if you disagree with me about any of this it is only because you are a racist, misogynist, homophobe...


1 comment:

Ben Owen said...

Well actually, if you try re-reading the post with your eyes open this time you would see that such opinions nonsense is exactly what the post is decrying.

I am actually married to a hispanic with a large hispanic family that I love very much and also have a gay family member that I also love very much. As the article explains, you calling me a bigot doesn't make it so.