Sunday, November 4, 2012

Embracing Diversity - or not...

"Diversity makes us all richer..."

Every time I hear that I cringe.  Every time I hear that statement I want to ask one question: Why?  I want to ask that person if they have a basis for that statement or if they are just a mindless parrot squawking a line that they think makes them seem more cosmopolitan and enlightened. Really, is diversity for the sake of diversity a good thing?  Is every culture worthy of our respect?

   So we have Black History Month in this country. [And why by the way is it not "African-American" history month? [I know...Digression...It's what I do.]  So why don't we have Japanese-American, Chinese-American, Italian-American... history months?  So In Black History Month we learn about all of the great inventions and improvements in the world created or fought for and gained by 'Blacks." So my question is were these amazing accomplishments because they were Black, or because they were American? "Oh, there we go," I can hear you hissing, "I knew he was a racist." Well if you are thinking that I would say it is you who are a racist. I frankly don't give a damn what race you are. What I care about is whether you are my fellow American. If you are an American[US Citizen] you are my brother or my sister and I will treat you as such. If you choose to be an "African-American," or "Mexican-American" or any other type of hyphenated-American you have chosen to be something other than me and I will honor your choice and treat you as something different than an "American."

The "American" culture is simple, and it is wondrous: I don't have to like you, I don't have to like your culture, but I have to leave you be. I can do you no harm, and you likewise can do me none. It is a beautiful thing. It is freedom.  But freedom is more than just freedom to agree. That is the antithesis of freedom. Freedom includes my right to find and decry your culture as ethically wrong, even evil; certainly as just plain stupid. And you have the right to disagree heartily, but not to stifle my freedom to speak my mind any more than I have a right to stifle yours. You have every right to say your culture or some other is fan-flippin-tastic, and I have a right to disagree.

So really, what have African-African's ever done to improve the world? What great advancements to civilization have they made? I am not talking about the color of their skin. I am talking about a continent. What has ever came out of Africa to improve the world? What has Africa done to their own continent to improve itself for that matter? I submit; nothing. Africa is a hellhole. Why does knowing anything about the African "culture" enrich me in any way, other than informing me what not to do to avoid famine, plague, or pestilence. What is so great about this "culture?" Everywhere throughout Africa is war, genocide, "Ethnic Cleansing," slavery, raping of the land and the people, poverty, despair, pillaging, and corruption. Every advancement and improvement to Africa has been brought by the "Evil Caucasian" as they came, yes to pillage the land of all they could squeeze out of it. And before you start squawking on about how evil Caucasians always rape and pillage the land wherever they go, the fact is that all cultures everywhere throughout history and the world have done the same. Caucasians have generally just done it more effectively. The difference is that Caucasians have also generally brought their machinery, Their science, and their religion, which far more than not compels them to treat the indigenous people respectfully, humanely, and even as their equals in the sight of their God. And yes there have been many hypocrites who have rationalized evil in the name of their God, But unlike most who in history who have come into a land and destroyed everything in there path like locusts leaving nothing in their wake but devastation and ruin, these at least had a standard of decency, whether they always followed it or not. I for one would rather be invaded by the Christian Caucasians who just wanted me in church on Sunday, than the Mongols who just wanted me as a plaything, enslaved, and/or dead.

So... back to the issue that got me so riled this morning. And riled I am. I didn't know I could type this fast. This one is really flowing/pouring out: been a long time simmering. So these students got sent home from school for wearing American flags on Cinco de Freakin Mayo. There is no Cinco de Mayo in this country; comprende? Here we have the fifth of May; and here we have July the fourth. If you are an American you honor and celebrate our independence day. You wave American flags. And you study American History, which honors, celebrates, and values all races, but only one country. This country is great. It is better than all of the rest. That is why you came here. If it is not then just go the hell back to wherever you came from that was so great. Why are you here if it is so bad? Why are you here if the place you came from is so much better?  And why do I, or my children need to spend any of our valuable learning time focusing on your culture when the un-propagandized version is often nothing more than institutionalized debauchery, despotism, and tyranny?

We strive for perfection here - and we usually fall far short. But we try. That is why you are probably bugged right now by my tirade. It is exactly because you think I am close-minded and bigoted.  It is precisely because you think my attitude is "Un-American."  It is because you believe that American Culture means to strive for better -  for the equality of all men. And that is the fundamental principal of American culture; that all men are equal.  But somehow we have now inexplicably equated that with the concept that all ideas or cultures are equal, or equally good. They are not. That is why we all came here.  Because we recognized that they were not, and we wanted better. So yes, celebrate your culture, and the good in it, but do not tell me I have to "understand," or worse, to celebrate your culture without critique for the sake of "Diversity."  We have a new culture, you and I.  And it is a wondrous one.

By the way: I thought some insertion of a few facts might be a good thing to go along with mindless "Mexican-American" drivel being propagated far and wide in America today.

1. We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us.

False. Texas was settled by Mexicans fleeing Mexico and by American settlers. It was owned by neither country. The 'Texians" and "Tejanos" as they called themselves originally wanted neither. Santa Anna wanted to Annex the region for Mexico but the settlers there wanted no part of that. They asked the United States for help in keeping Santa Anna from taking them over and the US gave some assistance, though quite trepidatiously. And yes I am sure they hoped for what eventually happened. Santa Anna invaded Texas. He did not go there to "Reclaim it." He took down the Alamo but was routed a short time later by American forces that came at the urgent pleas of the Texians and the Tejanos. Santa Anna was offered payment for Texas or a noose. Yes it wasn't much of a choice but it really wasn't his land to sell anyway. It was really just a symbol of intent to quit invading his neighbors, the "Texians." Eventually the Texians democratically decided to become a US Territory and eventually a state. And by the way, even if that nonsense about "moving the border" were true how would your supposed right to be in Texas give you a right to be in Ohio? Also, If Mexico did own Texas right now how would it not be a hell-hole like the rest of Mexico? and how would that stop them from leaving there to come here anymore than the current border does?

2. . Those that don't want Mexican "immigrants" in the US are racist.

Newsflash: Mexican isn't a race. It is a nationality. Your Mexican ancestors were vicious Mayans, Incans, Aztecs, and others who raped, pillaged, and "stole" land from their neighbors at every chance, with all the murderous glee of Eric the Viking, and Attila the Hun. On the other side of your ancestral family tree were those merry group of lads, the Conquistadors, who took their turn at raping and pillaging the land from their aforementioned predecessors. These in turn came from Spain and Portugal primarily where their ancestors were a mixture of various constantly warring clans sporadically murdering each other ostensibly just to pass the time, and the Muslim Pirates who ravaged and conquered much of these countries in turn. So as to your innocent victim status, Uh no.

As stated before, I don't give a damn what race you are. I just want you to respect my right to have a country - with borders. THE fundamental principal of this country is that the law rules - not men. I do not have a right to ignore any law, and neither do you. My life sucks in many ways too. I could benefit by ignoring many laws, but I don't. The law protects us. It is our contract to each other. It is our civilization. You have no right to ignore our contract because you have some motivation that you feel supersedes it. I have a right to a country, and I have a right to control our borders. every country does. If you think I don't I will fight you every step of the way. That has nothing to do with your race. It is about your attitude.

So finally... Regarding those fine lads standing proudly for Americans with their American flagged shirts. I say thank you. I say you are the kind of young men that have made this country greater than any other. And as for anyone being sent home from this American School because of their flags it should be those with Mexican flags. And if that principal wants to wave a Mexican flag I say send him home as well, which is evidently Mexico. Time to make a decision. You are either American or you are not. There is nothing else.

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