Friday, November 2, 2012

Taking Sides

Theistic Evolution is a great alternative for those too cowardly to take a side. There' is only one problem with it. It is a self-refuting term. It is an oxymoron. This Pseudo-religious blather has gained some popularity of late for those who fancy themselves more "open-minded" and "Enlightened" but in reality are simply ignorant of the core religious teaching of the Christian scripture that wish to have one foot in each camp for their peace of mind. Those that profess this view show an amazing misunderstanding of the most basic of biblical principals and do not misunderstand or disagree with only various interpretations of part of the origin of man story of the bible but rather, refute the entirety of the whole story of the relationship of God and man. This is not another apologetic of the superiority of either the Evolutionary or Creationist world view but rather a clarification of the incompatibility of the two.

So a remedial course on the basic core teaching on Christianity:

God created the earth. He made it perfect. There was no death, no heartache, nothing bad whatsoever. God put Satan there, but only allowed him to mess with one thing: Man. So Satan tempts Eve and she sins [disobeys God], along with Adam. God keeps his previous promise to Adam and eve for their disobedience. Amongst the promised  penalties for their sin, and this is key; God institutes death as a part of the punishment. God then provides a workaround for this inevitable death in Jesus. It's a pretty simple, if not really fair formula - Jesus, who never sins, and does not deserve death dies in our place so that we who have sinned and deserve our death can live.

So how does this fit into the whole Theistic Evolution view? Simple; It doesn't. They are completely contradictory and incompatible. It seems almost absurd that this even needs clarification, but evidently it does. You see, in the biblical narrative Man brings death upon himself by disobedience. Clearly if death was a penalty for sin, then death could not exist absent such sin. What exactly would have been the point? What penalty would death have been for sin if it were already present as a possibly way to end your day most uncomfortably and abrubtly at any time?

In the Theistic Evolutionary view God creates man through millenias of death and heartache. It is not a penalty for sin. It is just everyday life. You just step out your door and voila, something eats you for lunch. It's survival of the fittest baby! You don't die because you disobeyed God you just die cause you run too slow. Those that survive don't do so because they obey God, but rather because they are more agile, and perhaps lucky.

So in this view God caused death, not man. Man is not God's crowning masterpiece, an amoeba was! God is evidently not capable of creating all that is this world just by wishing it. He instead is evidently only capable of creating single celled creatures and plants that randomly change over millions of years as molded by forces other than God and by just plain random luck.

Which brings us to Jesus. Why do we need Jesus? If man did not bring sin into the world in defying God, but rather God brought it in through his basic lack of planning and incompetence why do we need a savior from our sins, saving us from death? Why do we need such salvation? In the Theistic evolutionary world view sin, death, and salvation are not really connected at all, and salvation really becomes a moot point. In such scenario we would be better off not with Jesus, but with good running shoes.

So if you want to be selective in what you call "Science" and only adhere to those scientific facts that lean toward an evolutionary view, I applaud your consistency. If you hold fast to the words of scripture, again I admire your assiduous adherence to the actual words written therein. To those that want to walk the fence I say that there is none there to walk. To these I say that you are not fooling anyone; certainly not God, and I doubt even yourself. To these I have but one admonition: The illogic of Theistic Evolution is immutable.  Grow a backbone - Pick a side.

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