It was very cute, when Sargent Shultz would happen upon the latest schemes of Hogan's merry band of willing prisoner's of war and saboteurs extraordinaire. Of course that was television, and Colonel Hogan and his crew were the good guys. When it is the real world and our own national security at risk such cynical "Insulation-by-Obliviousness" of the current administration is not nearly as endearing: not really acceptable at all, except evidently, by the administration: and their sycophantic press. So as the various scandals are unfolding in increasing numbers and rapidity Jay Carney, Barack Obama, Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder evidently find the constant refrain of "we didn't know: we weren't told" to be an entirely acceptable answer to challenges and questions of the people.
And why abandon such a time-proven methodology of deflecting any criticism or challenges. Really, this has worked flawlessly by Barack Obama and all near him as long as I can remember: Tony Resco - Did an "interesting" purchase from him but didn't really know him. Bill Ayers - Obama worked for him disseminating millions and millions of dollars but evidently never really communicated with him. Twenty years in Reverend Wrights church, proclaimed spiritual leader, married Obama... Never noticed he was a raving racist, anti-Semite, America-hating lunatic, nope - "I never knew the man..." Then there were the constant stream of ostensibly un-vetted and un-nominateable first cabinet proffering's that fell like dominoes. It is fine that Barack Obama has always seemed oblivious to virtually everything questionable happening around him but it is just amazing that this seems more and more of late to be not a detriment but rather a qualification.
So cut to years later and we have thousands of guns intentionally sent to Mexican drug cartels, and then forgotten, until found next to our dead border guard, Brian Terry. Also, basically unmentioned are the tens of thousands of Mexican citizens killed by these guns and Mexico's outrage at this. Eric Holders response to this of course was the endless slow-walking and stonewalling of Congress and claims of ignorance of these "insignificant" details. Then we have the months of attacks on our Benghazi embassy and CIA operations, their continuing warnings and pleas for help and increased security that went unheeded, ignored, and/or denied, and then the resulting murder or our personnel and sacking of our embassy and CIA installations there. And now, after the election we are learning of the attack on our drones in international airspace and the majestic security breaches of the compromise of our CIA and the seeming unfettered access to Top-Secret materials and briefings by his mistress.
And the administrations response to these hugely momentous events and their convenient timing of release to the public after the election and before Petraeus' sudden cancelling of his upcoming testimony before congress is the administrations evidently acceptable Sargent Shultzian response of "We know nothing." Bad enough that it could actually be true that they are relatively oblivious to everything happening under their leadership, but perhaps more disturbing is their ostensible belief that obliviousness is a valid excuse and does not in itself call into question their leadership.
And if anyone finds the latest game of "Where's Waldo" regarding our Secretary of State disconcerting now that she has found everything not in the US of immense concern while the scandals and the questions abound back here in the states, fear not, she will return - probably to tender her resignation and clean out her desk while avoiding those pesky questions. And where is she now? I don't know - and if recent history is any indication she probably doesn't know either, as no one told her.
And if anyone finds the latest game of "Where's Waldo" regarding our Secretary of State disconcerting now that she has found everything not in the US of immense concern while the scandals and the questions abound back here in the states, fear not, she will return - probably to tender her resignation and clean out her desk while avoiding those pesky questions. And where is she now? I don't know - and if recent history is any indication she probably doesn't know either, as no one told her.
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