Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Liking Barack

I for one am getting just a little sick of hearing that although Barack Obama’s performance polls are in the tank, his personal likeability numbers are still quite high. Frankly I don’t really think Barack Obama is a very nice guy at all. But that’s probably just because I am a racist: after all, I am white and the only reason to dislike Barack Obama personally is because one is racist, right? Uh… no.
And as the Obama Camp and his sycophants (mainstream media) seem to be hanging their hopes of him continuing to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the next four and ½ years on him being a nice, good, and likeable guy I think it appropriate to examine that.

So we might as well start there for my list of why Barack Obama is not a nice guy, or a “good” person: The race card. While Barack Obama carefully avoids openly throwing down the race card himself, he has done nothing to dissuade those who do so in his defense and quietly basks in the glow of unassailability of virtually any position he takes by the diabolical use of the race card by his sycophants in answer to any challenge. And really, to allow anyone who disagrees with you to be branded with the Scarlet “R” of racist on their forehead for having the audacity to disagree openly is not nice.

Over the years defenders of the niceness, or good character of Barack Obama continually point to the fact that he is a solid family man who has not abandoned his wife or children, as is so prevalent in the black community. (Note: I don’t refer to blacks as “African Americans as this has nothing to do with one’s race: Charlize Theron is African American.) And as usual the fascinating double standard of blacks getting a pass when discussing the abominable fact that black men are far more likely to abandon their families is largely ignored when spewed by other blacks in defense of Barack Obama. So is that really the bar we wish to set in defining what a nice guy, with good character is: that he has not abandoned his family? Really? So why then if such is such a lofty standard do not white men such as the elder and younger George Bush’s not get such gushing praise for remaining faithfully married for many decades? Indeed, why has no one mentioned what a fine person, and generally nice guy Mitt Romney is for not casting his wife and numerous children and grandchildren adrift? So yes, standing by your family responsibilities shows generally good character, especially in today’s world where so many do not, but isn’t this really reaching if that is always listed as the primary likeability factor of our presidents and presidential candidates?

Call me judgmental if you like, but I tend to look for more in people I like. Foremost amongst the attributes I look for in defining a “good” and “likeable” person is integrity and honesty. Any man that will lie to me brazenly and continually I tend to dislike. I guess I am just funny that way. Now for those who take offense at my branding him a liar (a brazen and continual liar) I really don’t care. I am not a politician and am not constrained to such ridiculous idioms of labeling him as “inaccurate in his facts,” “incorrect,” “wrong,” or my personal favorite: “having a loose relationship with the facts.” No, he is a blatant and continual liar, and that is not nice: not nice at all. Can I prove it? Well actually very few lies can be proven unequivocally, but evidence abounds that he speaketh with forked tongue continually. There are just simply too many opposing statements of Barack Obama caught on tape over the years of the slobbering love affair of Barack Obama and the sycophantic left wing press and his fervent magnetism of Barack Obama and any camera in the proximity.  I suppose we could start with his many associations with questionable-at-best characters such as Tony Resco, Bill Ayers, Reverend wright, etc. Not to belabor those tired stories again but it is fascinating that Barack Obama can always be counted on to disassociate himself from close associates when convenient. And does anyone really believe that he spent twenty years in Wright’s church and Wright never spewed his hallmark vicious anti-American, anti-Semitic, racist nonsense, or that Barack Obama never heard it in all of those twenty years? Well if one can be convinced of that it would, as Hilary Clinton said: “…require a willing suspension of disbelief.” And then of course, sticking to Reverend wright for just a moment longer, Barack Obama was willing to throw him under the bus when he became politically inconvenient, with a denial eerily similar to Peter denying Christ, with an all too familiar, “I don’t know the man.” And treating your friend, pastor, and the man who married you like that is not nice: not nice at all.

The simple fact is that in this days of ubiquitous video tape footage Barack Obama is either a purposeful serial distorter of the truth (liar – no matter what is is) or he is simply the most oblivious man on the planet to virtually all of his past statements or actions. And aside from all political positions, liars are not nice, and they are not good. And saying that all politicians lie is neither factual, nor a valid excuse.

Contrary to popular current opinion, it was Rodney King who said “Can’t we all get along:” not Barack Obama. Anyone that does not think that President Obama is not about dividing white against black, rich against poor against middle class, gun-lovin’ right-wing bible thumpers against everyone else, for his own political expediency is simply living in a cave somewhere or willfully oblivious. For a person of hope and change who was to heal and unite the world he seems to have the strangest way of uniting us. I can see that those whose world view is so divergent from his would have a visceral dislike of his policies, and perhaps by extension even of him, but the clear contempt he shows of everyone seeing the world and its hopes differently than him makes it a difficult thing to like him personally. I just cannot get a handle on whether he considers me fundamentally evil, stupid, or just hopelessly brainwashed but I just have a difficult time liking people who feel that way about me: always have. I am just funny that way.

And as I watch his incessant and majestically artful demagoguery of his sycophants and realize that in the world of Barack Obama there are really only the useful, the pawns, and those who must be assimilated or dispatched I find it very difficult to like him personally at all. But then I am probably just a racist.

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