idiots out there who support such duplicity as long as
these duplicitous traitors only go after the parts of the constitution they
also disagree with. They are really just
like the guy who buys hot goodies from the local thief, but then are outraged
when their home is burglarized. So let’s
talk about those enemies – foreign and domestic, especially those domestic, who
I also raised my hand and swore to defend the constitution from. And unlike
Mayor Bloomberg and his ilk, I meant what I said.
So you have a part of the constitution that the guys who wrote the document considered paramount. They went on at length to express that without this right, all others would fall. This of course was the right to keep and bear arms. So now the gun-grabbers like to say, “No that was only for the militia.” Well who exactly were the militia anyway, and who were they using their guns to fight against? Were they just a bunch of hunters worried about hordes of deer and bears kicking in their doors in the middle of the night and confiscating their guns? No. These were the same people decried today by the establishment as a bunch of inbred hillbilly redneck imbeciles with their own strange radical views of limiting the governments control over their personal lives. The only difference between those then and those of today is that those won their war and history then went on to re-write these once outcasts as the heroes. And the same people that told them to just shut up and follow the oppressive rules then slapped them on the back with newfound camaraderie with the old “aw shucks, we were with you all along!” And of course the more things change the more they stay the same. No these were not hunters with deer rifles. These were not the National Guard. These were in fact, average Joes fighting against, and killing the “National Guard” troops. These were guys fighting against the army of the long established government. The right they were so adamant about was to keep their guns to defend solely against government oppression or others who would do them harm. The right they were so adamant about was the right to be free from the government confiscating their weapons so as to render the common citizen less able to defend against their arbitrary will. And the weapons they meant were the most effective weapons they could acquire for killing as many government troops or others intent on taking their rights as was possible with “modern weaponry.” I think it safe to say that if George Washington had them available he would have armed every one of his rag-tag “anti-government” troops with “fully automatic assault rifles with high capacity magazines,” because as John Dillinger realized early on, the trick was to have more bullets heading away from you then toward you. The gun was clearly the last – best hope those guys that penned the constitution saw for defending all of those other rights penned therein from those who would try to take them, either in or outside the government. So am I advocating armed insurrection? Let me as both Mr. Nixon and Mr. Obama are so fond of saying, be perfectly clear: I am in no way saying or implying so. I am most strenuously and vehemently against it. I think there are far too many mechanisms in place to keep our government in check without violence to warrant or necessitate violence. I believe the government would necessarily go very very far in oppressing its citizens before such action were warranted. Unlike Thomas Jefferson I abhor the thought of bloody insurrection every 20 years, or every 100, or even every 500. The point here however is to put to rest that ridiculous assertion that the 2nd amendment was only meant to arm the national troops which are already inherently armed without such constitutional mandate. I mean, c’mon guys are we really so obtuse that we need a constitutional amendment to make sure our soldiers have guns?
If I hear one more time the phrase “Gun Show Loophole” I am just gonna, I dunno… Could you idiots Please, please, just stop thinking in bumper sticker for just a moment and really use your brain for something other than remembering to breath and memorizing slogans? So here it is, as simply as I can articulate it for those logically-challenged amongst us, otherwise known as Liberals or Progressives: The right to “Keep and bear arms” is a right, not a privilege. The Constitution does not give us this right. The right exists inherently due to the simple facts that we are breathing, and we are Citizens. The Constitution actually does not even apply and is not addressed to the citizen. What it does is it limits the governments right to infringe or attempt to take away this right or otherwise render it void. Now of course as the courts have found myriad times since the constitutions inception there are limitations to virtually every right as government must intrude sometimes upon our rights to protect us and all of our aggregate rights. The idea of those creating such government was a balancing act with only that slightest government power to intrude in doing so as was absolutely necessary to achieve such ends.
So what is the then, dare I say it? “Gun Show
Loophole.” Well since we have a “Right
to keep and bear arms” that obviously includes a “Right” to obtain those guns
somehow. It means we have the right to make them and to buy and sell them from
and to each other. After all they do not magically fall from the sky, and not
all of us have the prerequisite skills to manufacture such a complex and
technical thing as a gun. So people
manufactured and sold guns with little governmental intrusion for a couple
hundred years now. But lately the
government has found amazingly broad powers and ways to meddle and “protect us”
in ways the constitution never ever contemplated. So how did they do this? Well
the Loophole the government found to circumvent its constitutional limitations
was the wondrous thing called the Commerce Clause. You see the founders realized that an
arbitrator was needed to keep the states from arbitrarily taxing out of state
goods so as to give their own states businesses and industries unfair and
insurmountable advantages. This was a
very good thing, and leveled the playing field so that for instance, states
with ports could not get imported goods at a low taxed rate and then jack the
rates oppressively before selling the goods to their neighbors without such
sea-ports. Well some clever and
enterprising person in government a while back put forth the new and novel idea
that any time anything of any financial value whatsoever happened between states it then
created a federal power to intervene and control that “Interstate Commerce.” So if the slightest part of your product or
even the process of manufacture could be shown to have been made in one state
and crossed a state line such product or activity was now magically and
wondrously “Interstate Commerce.” So voila, if the drinking water in the fountain
in the break room at your gun manufacturing plant flowed downstream from the
neighboring state, or the oil used in your delivery trucks came from say, the
middle east, etc., etc., etc., you are engaged in interstate commerce. How cool is that? Likewise if you make a gun in Tennessee and
ship it to Ohio – Yep, Interstate Commerce. So that is why gun manufacturers no longer
have the “Right” to sell guns to you and I.
They are now engaged in “Interstate Commerce,” and that is not a Right,
but a “Privilege,” and can thus be tightly controlled and regulated under the Commerce
So what about you selling your gun to me, or visa versa?
Well, the governmental nannies have tried this same Commerce Clause ruse for
this but have thus far been thwarted as the judiciary has been shown not even
the slightest evidence necessary to call a sale of a product between two
private citizens in the same state “Interstate Commerce.” Indeed the courts cannot separate out this
product even with the extraordinary agenda driven pressure to do so. Clearly if an individual selling this product
to another in the same state is “Interstate Commerce” there is virtually no
limit to what the government can find an excuse to regulate between private
citizens on some pretense or another. That is not to say they do not diligently
continue to try it.
So why if it is a “Right” do we need a license to buy a
gun? Put simply you don’t. I can sell
you my gun, and you can sell me your gun on a handshake with no paperwork
whatsoever just as I may sell you my old television or tennis racket. Likewise
with your carving knife or baseball bat (Lethal weapons.). That is because it
is a right. It is not a privilege. We do not need government permission, or
“license” to do so.
So why then must licensed gun-dealers require me to do a
background check and get a license before selling me a gun? This is because gun manufacturers and gun
dealers are not a private citizen. They are a licensed business engaged in the
federally granted “Privilege” of making or selling guns under the strict
controls of the Commerce Clause. The gun manufacturers use parts from many
states and then sell and distribute them to other states. Part of the strict control of this is that
they must only sell their product to federally licensed dealers that are also
tightly controlled under the Commerce Clause. These in turn are told that they
can only sell their product to those that meet certain licensing guidelines.
You see the license does not really give you a right to purchase the gun, but
rather it gives them the “privilege” of selling it to you.
So you can sell me your gun, or I can sell you mine with
virtually no government intrusion. This is not an absolute right however. We
can keep these arms, and we may bear them(carry it with us). We may use it to defend
against threats to our lives, safety or property. We cannot however randomly
shoot in whatever direction we wish or into a crowd for kicks or for
Allah. We also cannot sell it to someone
that we know or reasonably believe has lost their right to keep and bear arms,
such as a felon, or someone who may reasonably be a danger to themselves or
others in obtaining such a weapon, such as a drug addict or a crazy person. This is a very reasonable and minimal
government intrusion on this otherwise sacrosanct right.
So the “Gun-Show loophole” is actually just one of our most
simple and sacrosanct rights in action as guaranteed and protected by the
constitution, and the lefties just despise it.
So they try to paint it as an absurd, obscene, and dangerous variance
from the intent of the creators of the second amendment. Nothing could really be farther from the
truth. It is really one of the last vestiges of real protection under that
amendment, and one that the anti-constitutionalists are determined to whittle
away at or work around one way or another. And we underestimate their diligence
and patience at our peril.
And to those who question the relevance or foresight of the
authors of that amendment as naïve to the complexities of our world now some
200 years later why do you think they felt the need to put in stone as it will
our right to buy, sell, keep and bear our arms?
Why only this? Why did they not feel compelled to specifically protect
our right to keep and use wagons or desk lamps?
Perhaps they were more wise and prophetic than the left would want us to
believe. Perhaps they knew all too well
what the one thing that the ignorant, the misguided well-meaning buttinskis,
and the unscrupulous would most passionately endeavor to take from us.
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