Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Simple Math Question

 A certain unnamed ObamaCare sycophant told me recently that ObamaCare would cause the very rich to pay more into the insurance pool, therefore helping the poor who cannot afford the extravagant care afforded the very rich. My question is in regard to how that works mathematically?

Jedi Mind-Trick

So I just listened to Obama's budget Spiel. I had two thoughts on it. The first was "My ears are bleeding!" The second was "Damn he's good." The fascinating question I always ponder when listening to his speeches and watching him is "Does he really believe the words that are coming out of his mouth?" I mean really, does he actually believe what he's saying or is he so committed ideologically or politically to his position that facts really just don't matter? As the late great Tony Snow would oft muse: "He's living in a fact free universe!" It really is amazing; He will state his position or intentions repeatedly on camera, and then he will unequivocally reverse his position, again on camera. When Fox News puts the two videotapes side by side to highlight the competing Obama's he simply goes on TV again and does his amazing Jedi mind trick. He stares directly in the camera without flinching and say's most emphatically In that Obi Wan Kenobi voice: "I did not say what you just heard me say. So I sit in front of the screen, probably like millions of others across the land staring blankly at the screen. The words come dully from my lips: "You did not say what I just heard you say." I get up and shuffle blankly to the fridge to pour myself a glass of milk while muttering the words Hope... Change... I sit here pondering the half empty glass of milk, my breathing becoming tight an wheezy as I remember that I am allergic to milk. There's something I was supposed to remember. Something important, but I can't remember what it was. All is well... hope...change...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Constitution For Dummies - Part 1

So here begins my series I will call Constitution for Dummies – Part 1.  This issue has been percolating for years really, but Bloomberg and his anti-constitution buddies really have my undies in a wad.  It really is maddening to watch politicians raise their hand and swear to defend and uphold the constitution and then in the next breath as soon as their hand drops to diligently attack and erode those parts that their left-wing sensibilities despise.  It is just as maddening to see these
idiots out there who support such duplicity as long as these duplicitous traitors only go after the parts of the constitution they also disagree with.  They are really just like the guy who buys hot goodies from the local thief, but then are outraged when their home is burglarized.  So let’s talk about those enemies – foreign and domestic, especially those domestic, who I also raised my hand and swore to defend the constitution from. And unlike Mayor Bloomberg and his ilk, I meant what I said.