Friday, May 11, 2018

Arguing With A Younger Me

I remember quite vividly the passionate apologetics of a younger me arguing against many a viewpoint that I believe so strongly in today.  I remember the talking points, the slogans, the chants, that I felt so sure of to my very core.  I remember being so perturbed at those so like the me of today that seemed so obstinate and obtuse.  I wonder what that younger me would do upon encountering the equally passionate me of today.  Would he try to persuade him of his ignorance and closed-mindedness, or would he simply flip him off and walk away in utter certainty of the superiority of his knowledge and wisdom.  I am certain that that younger me would think it.  Indeed, if those two were to meet today I expect each would find little compelling about the other, and even less to agree upon.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Embracing My Inner-Bigot

Well its 2:26 AM and as I flail about tossing and turning angrily  I have come to the realization that there will be no more sleep tonight until I put these burning thoughts to paper: which probably means I will again watch the sun rise…
I just watched the Movie American History X, (again) with Edward Norton and though I am not generally inclined to midnight movie reviews this movie and its theme are important and common enough to rate some ink, some insomnia, and a few antacids.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Yes I did build that

(Has anyone seen my goat?)

So anyone that knows me knows I am no fan of Barack Obama. Given any political viewpoint and virtually any speech and statement he has made I can be counted on pretty much to disagree upon virtually every word including “and,” and “the.” No, Barack Obama and I just see the world differently: probably always have, and most likely always will. So it will surely come as no surprise that I disagree wholeheartedly with his latest blather on who is responsible for the success of business’s and people in America. So our disagreement is axiomatic on this issue but to say that I vehemently disagree on this latest stupidity would be a profound understatement. The very fact that such absurdity would even require a rebuttal is disheartening enough. The fact that there are people who would bob their empty heads in vacuous sycophantic union is maddening.