are not dangerous: they are just a misunderstood breed."
I have rarely heard a more absurd statement then that. Pitbulls are dogs: they are animals. All animals and all dogs bite for many reasons. They bite because they are afraid, or hurt, or annoyed, or defending their space or property. Just as a toddler will smack her/his brother or sister defending their current possession of a favored toy, dogs will defend against perceived threat of taking of their bone. Dogs do not have opposable thumbs to hang onto their stuff, and they have no hands or fists to punch or slap a perceived aggressor or thief. Their natural instinct when being hurt is to defend themselves by biting back. Statistics show that there are approximately 4 million dog bites every year in America with about 1 million of those (1/4) requiring a doctor or emergency room visit. That is a whole lot of dog bites, and it would be ridiculous to think that Pitbulls would not be among that number.